August 22, 2014


I am Mrs blah blah and that is my sole claim to fame.I am Mrs blah blah and my identity is that I am my husband's wife.I choose to give away my personal power to the title Mrs.............Now my source of power and confidence comes from the title Mrs.....................My every interaction now happens from the title Mrs.....................Every new relationship that I build is based on my title Mrs.................All the false respect that I draw from others is because I am Mrs blah blah.Without my title I feel lost, Incomplete,disoriented.I am like a creeper that constantly needs the support of my title Mrs...................for my well being,my self  worth,self esteem.I work really hard for this title!!!I am like a stepford wife ,I choose to forget that I am an Individual and I am  much more than my title that I so proudly flaunt.My first name has lost its sheen and significance.I no longer value myself nor do I give a  rat's ass in creating my own personal identity.I walk tall with confidence as Mrs blah blah but without my title I am no one and nothing.

I have diagonsed myself with Mrs So and So syndrome and I have to say that I have contracted this dangerous disease.Frankly I don't give a damn;I arrogantly refuse to be cured!!!I am Mrs blah blah and that's that.(Pun Intended on the self)

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