February 6, 2017


Anahata met Sanam in the ladies’ locker room. And took an Instant shine to her. It’s Sanams first day in the Academy. She has just joined as an HR executive. The girl is gorgeous to say the least. Stunning actually!!! She is so graceful. And conducts herself so beautifully. Anahata loves her confidence; the way she walks, talks and carries herself is just amazing. She has the poise and grace of a beauty queen. And boy, does she have a body to die for!!! And so professional. She is everything that Anahata wants to be like. They have really hit it off. Sanam has requested Anahata if she can Introduce her to the Marketing team. Anahata is more than happy do so. As both of them enter the Marketing Department; She can sense the Interest of all the boys in Sanam. But obvious she is beautiful!!!!!!!!!! But do they have to behave like Imbeciles????? They are so excited and they are all over Sanam like a rash. How Irritating!!!! And what’s with Zorawar; he is behaving like a total nincompoop in front of Sanam. He is making it so obvious. Isn’t he in a relationship with that girl Ambreen???? What does she care anyway? Let him make a fool of himself. Sanam of course is enjoying all the male appreciation that she is receiving.

Anahata notices that Ryan is very animated with Sanam as well. She can clearly see appreciation for her in his eyes. They seem to be enjoying each other’s company. Sanam is literally lit up like a Christmas tree as she talks to Ryan. He is giving her his full attention. He is standing with Hands-on-Hip pose. Clear sign that he is Interested in her. Sanam also looks coyly at him. Both of them are laughing at something Ryan seems to have said. Anahata rolls her eyes and gives a look of disgust to both of them. Oh god……………………………. Now they are flirting with each other. How Annoying!!! But they do look good together though. Anahata feels a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach. She feels a tug at her heart at all the attention that Ryan is showering over Sanam. What is wrong with her!!!! Why does she care that Ryan is Interested in Sanam. Suddenly Ryan lifts his head and catches Anahata looking at them. Their eyes connect for a moment. Ryan looks at her strangely. Anahata is horrified that she is caught staring at him and Immediately breaks the eye contact between them and averts her eyes. OMG…………. how embarrassing!!! What will Ryan think now. God……………..she always put herself in an awkward position.

Its been a month since that fateful day when she met Ryan for the very first time. He is actually quite a chill guy. Thank God……………he is nothing like Shawn-the dumb ass. He is very easy to get along with. He is very focused. And has no sadistic tendencies like Shawn. He believes in “Live and Let live”. Anahata likes working with him. They get along well. Unlike Shawn he likes a positive work environment where everybody enjoys working with each other. Just the other day Monty and Anahata were having conversation where he mentioned to Anahata that Ryan comes from a very conservative Christian Family .His family is based in Mumbai. He comes from a business family. His family is well off. He could have easily joined his family business but it is his dream to start up his own Marketing firm. He is working at the academy for hands on experience. Anahata is really surprised by this reveal because Ryan has never even given a hint about his social standing. He is always very humble and grounded. Unlike that Shawn who shows off for no rhyme or reason!!!!

Thank the lord, Sanam is finally done with the Introductions. Seriously,Whats up with this girl. Sanam has become Infected with the “Ryan” Fascination Bug!!! She is going on and on about him . Gushing about how good looking, charming and charismatic he is. So masculine. And how his eyes are so hypnotic!!!! And the way he looked into her eyes literally melted her heart. Sanam is now starting to irritate Anahata. Hypnotic eyes?????? What does that even mean???? Anahata grudgingly agrees that Ryan is good looking in a way. He is around five feet ten inches tall, well built, wheatish complexion and has a good body. That’s about it. Nothing to lose your mental balance over!!! He is alright. And what’s the deal with his eyes……………………………………………………………….

Sanam is apparently very excited about something and is trying to attract Anahata’s attention. As usual; Anahata lost in her thinking world suddenly becomes aware of Sanam’s presence and her excitement is palpable.

Anahata:- Whats with you Sanam. Why are you behaving like a crazy person. Seriously are you O.K?

Sanam:-  Guess what Anahata………………………Ryan asked me out for a coffee date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I Said yes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anahata:-What??????????????????????? Anahata feels as if someone just punched her in the gut………………………………………………………………………….

To Be continued.......

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